Account Inactivity: Outlining the Problems and Finding the Solutions

by | May 29, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Most modern-day individuals have dozens, probably even hundreds, of accounts that they haven’t logged into for months. From that retail website that offered a sign-up discount to that airfare account they created for that last-minute flight, does it really matter if these accounts get inactivated? 

Although you might not think twice about the inactivity of your client’s accounts, Google’s recent announcement upcoming mass deletion of dormant or inactive accounts does indicate that major changes for digital accounts are on the horizon. 

Understanding the basics of Google’s new policy, the importance of keeping accounts active, and strategies to reduce your client’s risk of deactivation is important going into the next few years with digital accounts on the rise. 

Google’s Announcement on Inactive Accounts

Google recently announced that it will begin deleting accounts that have been inactive for over two years. The policy goes into effect immediately, even though the company doesn’t plan on deleting accounts until the end of the year. 

The rationale behind this new policy is security, with old accounts more likely to be on recycled passwords and outdated security measures. This makes them a prime target for cyber hacks and attacks. 

Only personal accounts are on the chopping block, with educational and business-related accounts safe from the new inactive policy. 

Why is it Important to Keep Active Accounts? 

Google is paving the way for other digital account providers to follow suit. If account holders aren’t aware of changing regulations, accounts containing important information, such as credits, purchase history, and financial assets, can be destroyed. 

Account activation is also essential from a succession standpoint.. If your clients neglect to keep their accounts active, the data and contents may be deleted before they ever had the chance to be transferred, This can include bank records, investment statements, receipts, appraisals, art collection and much more. 

How to Safeguard Your Accounts

There are a few different ways you can prevent your clients’ inactive accounts from being destroyed. First, you want to advise them to remain active and log in on a regular basis to preserve their account status. Even once every few months should be sufficient to protect their information. 

Next, you want to inform your clients about their account policies. When they sign up for accounts, they agree to Terms of Service agreements, which may state when accounts are considered dormant and unused. 

You also might want to consider partnering with a digital asset organizer that keeps track of their accounts. It can be easy to forget about an account they created months ago for a one-time use that is designed for low use but highly valuable.  Not to mention that without comprehensive information surrounding their digital accounts, their representatives and their loved ones can be left scrambling to uncover their accounts and gain access. 


Account inactivation has been at the forefront of discussion for countless providers. This means that now is the time to take action with your clients’ digital accounts to avoid irreversible inactivation. 

At Directive Communication Systems, we provide you with the tools needed to not only track a client’s digital accounts but also the disposition instructions on how their contents should be passed down to loved ones. For more information about the power of DCS, reach out to a team member today.